Religiosity, spirituality and homelessness

Rhetoric, relationships, actions and consequences


  • Joan Uribe Vilarrodona Universitat de Barcelona


The religiosity and/or spirituality of people experiencing homelessness (PEH), as well as the links between them and the religious institutions, has not yet been studied in our area. A first analysis from the bibliographic review contextualizes a consensus on the differentiation of the concepts of religiosity and spirituality. This differentiation is specified in the instrumental management that operationalizes social support methodologies, based on its application in the field of health from holistic approaches based on biopsycosocial and spiritual models of support. Also, the normalization of the individual link of the PEH with the sacred is confirmed, as well as the importance that it seems to have in the construction of the personal recovery itinerary. These findings should be contrasted with the PEH, analysing what links their state of marginality has in relation to their experience of the transcendent and how these are structured.

Author Biography

Joan Uribe Vilarrodona, Universitat de Barcelona

Professor associat a Universitat de Barcelona, departament d'Antropologia Social. Acreditat professor lector. Investigador en matèria d'exclusió social, sensellarisme, espai urbà, emergències


