Social mentoring as a tool for working with young people in the context of immigration




The debate on how to empower our young people through different types of supports is increasingly relevant in a context where the number of unaccompanied minors and young people migrating alone has increased considerably. In this article the authors present social mentoring as an effective support that has been implemented in different countries. They present the origin of social mentoring and its basic characteristics, and explain how the empowerment of young people can be developed through supportive relationships
that promote access to information, people and institutions that promote social inclusion. of young people and to encourage joint reflection and dialogue on how society is structured and how it can contribute to improving the present world. Finally, based on the
accumulated research and management experience of the Rossinyol project promoted by the University of Girona, they highlight what they consider to be the 10 fundamental elements for mentoring to contribute to the development of young people’s empowerment,
and point out 9 10 practical considerations to take into account for the proper functioning of any project with these characteristics.


social mentoring, empowerment, socio-educational support, young migrants

Author Biography

Òscar Prieto-Flores, Universitat de Girona

És professor lector del departament de Pedagogia de la Universitat de Girona. Va obtenir el doctorat en Sociologia a la Universitat de Barcelona el 2007 i va ser estudiant de doctorant visitant a la Universitat de Princeton durant el 2006. També; va treballar amb una beca-contrate FI de la Generalitat de Catalunya al Crea-UB on encara continua exercint com a investigador col·laborador. Actualment, coordina el projecte Rossinyol i és membre del Grup de Recerca en Polítiques, Programes i Serveis Educatius i Socioculturals (GRES) de la UdG. En relació; a la seva experiència en revistes científiques és revisor de les revistes indexades Ethnic and Racial Studies, Ethnicities, Sociology of Education i també; de The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy.





