Unavailable Witnesses and Confrontation: Epistemic and Non-Epistemic foundations


  • Pablo Rovatti Universidad de Buenos Aires


The author criticizes an extended thesis on the right of confrontation, according to which the lack of an opportunity to cross-examine a prosecution witness unavailable for trial would preclude the admission of the prior statement. Epistemic arguments are analyzed in the first place, but the paper´s central contribution deals with non-epistemic reasons underlying confrontation right. In this context, the paper advances reasons for being skeptical about free-standing evidencial rights. Then, it develops an analysis about the ways in which confrontation has been theorized from a non-epistemic perspective. The author concludes that these theoretical proposals are not sufficiently compelling to support a strong confrontation right. 


Right to test witness evidence, unavailable witnesses, sole or decisive rule, epistemic rationality, free-standing evidential rights


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How to Cite

Rovatti, P. (2020). Unavailable Witnesses and Confrontation: Epistemic and Non-Epistemic foundations. Quaestio Facti. International Journal on Evidential Reasoning, (1), 31–66. https://doi.org/10.33115/udg_bib/qf.i0.22327