The graphotechnical test: fundamentals, validity and reliability



Expert evidence is currently of great importance in decision making. Its uncritical reception and lack of empirical data has been of great concern, given its potential for error. In this context, graphotechnical evidence requires special analysis, since it has been received and used uncritically as a valid and reliable methodology. The purpose of this paper is therefore to analyze the empirical foundations of the graphotechnical expert evidence; that is, to know if we have information on the validity and reliability of these procedures, to address their methods and, finally, to know how they actually work. This study addresses the theoretical premises and foundations of graphotechnical evidence, and offers an account of the methodologies, techniques and those «laws» on which this technique is based; from this, we will investigate and conclude on its operation to know if it empirically measures what it intends to measure.


expert evidence, graphotechnical, graphology, calligraphy, signature comparison.


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Author Biography

Sergio Luis Cando Shevchukova, Independent researcher

Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic and Bachelor in Social Sciences by the University of Cuenca; Specialist in Procedural Law by the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador; Master in Procedural Law by the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador; Master in Probative Reasoning by the Universitat de Girona and Universitá degli studi di Génova.




How to Cite

Cando Shevchukova, S. L. (2023). The graphotechnical test: fundamentals, validity and reliability. Quaestio Facti. International Journal on Evidential Reasoning, (4), 275–303.