Law and economics of burdens and standards of proof


  • Gabriel Doménech Pascual Universidad de Valencia


This paper shows and illustrates with several examples how law and economics can contribute to clarify, better understand, and assess some important rules of evidence law and in particular those relating to the burden and standards of proof used in different areas of the legal system. The article devotes special attention to the analysis of evidentiary standards in administrative law and their relation to the problem of deference that courts show when reviewing administrative decisions or, in other words, the margin of appreciation or discretion that administrative authorities have when making these decisions.


law and economics, burdens of proof, Standards of Proof, administrative procedure, judicial review, administrative discretion


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Author Biography

Gabriel Doménech Pascual, Universidad de Valencia

Administrative Law Professor




How to Cite

Doménech Pascual, G. (2024). Law and economics of burdens and standards of proof: . Quaestio Facti. International Journal on Evidential Reasoning, (6), 169–197.