Inductive Reasoning in Tax Law
Inference and Evidentiary Sufficiency
This article aims to analyze inductive reasoning and its application to resolve factual issues in tax matters. To this end, three types of induction are presented (generalization, causal and analogical), as well as their uses (in Tax Law and outside of it) and their strength (including their limitations). The article concludes that the quality of the evidentiary judgment is influenced by two variables. On the one hand, by meeting the criteria regarding the formation and evaluation of evidence that serve as a basis for the sentence, such as the magnitude, variety and representativeness of the evidence. On the other hand, by the standard of proof applicable to the case: the stricter the degree of sufficiency required for certain hypotheses to be considered proven, the stronger must be the proof and the degree of inferential security.
evidence, logic, Legal Epistemology, inferenceReferences
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