Journal History

The idea of creating an international journal in this field started to flourish in the context of the 1st Evidential Legal Reasoning World Congress (Girona, 6th-8th of June 2018), due to the interest shown by those who attended the Congress and because we noticed the lack of such a specialized periodical in our cultural area.

Quaestio facti is defined as an international journal on evidential legal reasoning and this is why we only publish original works that touch upon general problems related to legal evidential reasoning. These problems must exceed the scope of a mere discussion of interpretation issues or relevant judicial decisions regarding some evidence, statute or regulation or other. The journal also aspires to position itself within the boundaries of various disciplines, such as procedural law, legal epistemology, the international law of human rights, forensic sciences, as well as between the cultural ambits of the Common Law and the Civil Law traditions.

Quaestio facti is edited by the Catedra de Cultura Jurídica of Girona University and Marcial Pons. The journal publishes Open Access original articles written in Spanish, English, Italian, and Portuguese, and are selected through a blind peer review process. 

For the first three years, Quaestio facti published annually. From the fourth year onwards, per editorial decision, two issues are published each year.