About the Journal


Quaestio facti is an international journal on evidential reasoning, published electronically and in open access. Its promoter is the Cátedra de Cultura Jurídica of Girona University and is published by Marcial Pons.

The journal's aim is to host and disseminate an analysis of the problems posed by evidential reasoning when it is used to adjudicate a legal dispute, not only within the context of a judicial process, but also within the wide range of administrative proceedings, where the relevant law must be applied.

As does legal evidential reasoning, Quaestio facti aspires to position itself within the boundaries of various disciplines, such as procedural law, legal epistemology, the international law of human rights, forensic sciences, as well as between the cultural ambits of the Common Law and the Civil Law traditions.

From the outset, it is important to emphasise that Quaestio facti is not a journal centred around the evidence law of one country or another. This is why we only publish original works that touch upon general problems related to legal evidential reasoning. These problems must exceed the scope of a mere discussion of interpretation issues or relevant judicial decisions regarding some evidence, statute or regulation of a concrete national legislation.

Quaestio facti is aimed at researches, scholars, students and readers from all over the world who are interested in the subject matter of the journal.

Quaestio facti is published biannually and it considers original works in Spanish, English, Italian and Portuguese, which are selected through a blind peer review process.

Each volume is structured in four sections: 

  1. The Essays section, that includes general articles
  2. The Conjectures and Refutations section presents an article and 4 to 5 critical reactions to it.
  3. The Iuris Prudentia section includes a judicial review case, where some aspect of evidentiary reasoning is discussed.
  4. The Science for Legal Proceedings section contains an article introducing new scientific developments relevant to legal fact-finding.
The first issue, published in January, includes five or six articles of the first section and the conjecture of the second one. Also, it includes the Iuris prudentia and the Science for Legal Proceedings sections.
In the second issue, published in June, are included five or six general articles and the four or five refutations to the first issue's conjecture. 


Quaestio facti started with an annual publication frequency, publishing the complete volume with the final layout in January of each year.

From 2023 onwards, it has been considered appropriate to increase the frequency of publication to twice a year. Thus, two issues per year will be published, the first one in January and the second one in June.

However, all the texts that are favourably reviewed, after the pertinent corrections and a provisional layout, will be published instantly on a provisional basis.


Quaestio facti is an open access journal, therefore all articles are available online and can be consulted free of charge. 

Following the Budapest Open Access Initiative, users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of the contents of the journal without legal or financial barriers, except for the author's right to be properly acknowledged and cited.

Access to the journal's contents does not require prior registration or payment of a fee.


Quaestio facti uses LOCKSS system, which guarantees a permanent and secure archive of the published articles. In addition, LOCKSS allows the content of the journal to be stored and distributed among participating libraries.

The LOCKSS publisher manifest page is https://revistes.udg.edu/quaestio-facti/gateway/lockss. The content of the journal is also available in the institutional repository of the University of Girona, which can be accessed through the following link: https://dugi-doc.udg.edu/handle/10256/17743


Quaestio facti. International journal on legal reasoning uses the OAI-PMH interoperability protocol, which facilitates the exchange of metadata and content over the Internet.

It is available at: https://revistes.udg.edu/quaestio-facti/oai